Tag Archive: Senator Patty Murray


Washington Senate Race Endorsements, MoveOn.Org and the Deaf Ears of Politicians to Whistleblowers

 I got an email from MoveOn.Org last week. I am not sure how I got on their mailing list. In my blogs, I pretty much criticize everyone who I believe deserves it regardless of political party affiliation.

They were asking me who they should endorse in the Washington Senate Race (incumbent Senator Patty Murray (D) or challenger Dino Rossi (R)

They also left a space to write in a candidate. Then they left a space to write in explanatory comments. Against my better judgment, I wrote in a name in the write in slot and then explained why.

I explained that I had a problem with both the incumbent and the challenger. I clarified that the incumbent had a history of supporting her industrial campaign contributors and was willing to ignore her individual constituent’s appeals to her for help when they were federal or industry employees being treated badly as whistleblowers, or threats to the corruption done by the employers. Her deafening silence has not endeared her to multiples people who’ve been standing up to the creeps pretty much on their own. She has been doing a lot of cheerleading for a particular very large defense contractor/aerospace corporation, despite their catalog of sins and continued mistreatment of their own employees and federal oversight employees. There is a very good reason she is known as the Senator from Boeing.

As far as her challenger, I explained that I considered him no better. He keeps whining and running for office, and his only lack is that he hasn’t been in a position of power and authority so he can do exactly what Murray has been doing. So, there would be no difference; they are both disasters.

I explained that I had written in the name of my attorney, as I really found that despite commonly held views about attorneys and all the jokes, although I didn’t always agree with my attorney politically, I found him to me much more ethical and honest than either of those candidates.

The next day, I got another email from Moveon.org, happily announcing they had endorsed Patty Murray who was going to help them stop all those corrupt corporations and contractors from continuing their campaign of fraud, waste, and abuse.  It went on and on beyond that.  After I got through shrieking and laughing myself out of my chair, I deleted it.  (It’s still in the trash file, should I need to get it out and post it on the blogs with annotations.) I am still plotting my blog post I will write about it.

Presently more than disgusted with nearly everyone,




Response from The Last Inspector:   

LOL, G. Florence.

I know about intimately and agree with everything you wrote.

Murray did help me a tiny bit, albeit behind the scenes so as not to appear anti-Boeing.

The problem with most Democrats is they are too meek, albeit republicans are as meek in many ways (they have to be, as if they campaign honestly on what their agenda is, the vast majority of people will never vote for them).

If Murray and Democrats didn’t always appear to be afraid of their own shadows on how they responded to every issue and just did what they wanted to do, they would be far more successful in the polls.

Being afraid to go up against the political power of an evil corporation like Boeing is illustrative of that.

Despite all of her bowing to Boeing, the evil management at the company stabbed her and all Boeing workers in the back by putting the second 787 line in SC.

That’s what happens when you in essence make deals with devils like Boeing management.

However, despite their meekness in standing up to those forces more powerful than even a US senator, there still is no equivalency between Democrats and republicans, no matter how bad the Democrat is (except in the very few cases when the democrat actually acts like a republican when elected).

That is the falsehood that many spout out when their subconscious is desperately looking for reasons to justify voting for the other side.

Democrats are angels when compared to evil republicans, although there is never complete black and white, the following is as black and white as it gets:

Democrats are honest. Republicans are liars.

Democrats believe and legislate for what WJWD without wearing their Christianity on their sleeves. republicans believe and legislate for the opposite of what WJWD and then falsely proclaim themselves the “party of Christians and Jesus.” They demonize Democrats, when it is actually themselves that are working for the head demon.

Democrats are the opposite of hypocrites; republicans are the worst hypocrites in existence. Just look at one issue–they impeached a president for lying about an affair, yet they now have several republicans in the Congress who have had affairs and even lied about them, yet their hypocritical supporters still support them, and few if any ask them to resign or ask for their impeachment (that would require not being a hypocrite).

Democrats work for the people, as the Constitution “wants,” and only suck up to corporations because of our corrupt campaign finance system that gives corporations the key to politician’s doors when citizens are shut out, and due to their meek natures (like Murray). Republicans work solely for corporations, and never for the people, only sucking up to the delusional and stupid people in the electorate around election time with lies and making up bogus wedge issues like the “Ground Zero Mosque,” for they could never get elected if they campaigned honestly on their true beliefs. Like the devil, the only way they can convert souls is to deceive.

Democrats are the party of all sane true Christians. Republicans are the party of the American Taliban, who, like the Taliban, are doing the opposite of the “holy books” their faiths are based on. All those who fall victim to the false Christianity of the republicans will go to hell, if there is one. I am an agnostic, so I believe they can’t go to a place that doesn’t exist, but their sole legacy will be that they made the world hell while they were alive, whereas the democrats worked to make it a place more heaven-like and WWJD-like. If hell existed, and Jesus were alive, he would likely re-state that a republican’s chance of getting into heaven is as likely as a 747 flying through the eye of a needle unscathed.   

So, albeit Murray has hurt this whistleblower through almost total inaction almost as deep as my wife when she betrayed me, even I may hold my nose and vote for her, especially if she pledges to break the “senator from corrupt Boeing management” mantra. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Rossi, who is the very definition of the evil that is today’s republican party. In evilness, there is no comparison. As noted, Murray is an angel compared to Rossi. If he gets in, things will be 100 times worse for us whistleblowers.  

In all things perspective is needed. Anger can cloud our vision. In the long term, we need to fix the campaign finance system that republicans and the evil five on the Supreme Court back for selfish reasons, as giving more power to contribute to the powerful only enhances their goal of furthering our Plutocracy.

Once that is done, Democrats can be true Democrats, and stand up to the evils against the people like Boeing management. Rossi will always side with the evildoers.

Any republicans out there should get themselves exorcized. Anyone out there not under the influence like G Florence should regain their perspective before the election and get motivated. If you can’t hold your nose and vote for Murray, work for any other Democrats out there like your country’s and whistleblowers’ fates depend on it, for it does.

Christian Republicans, and those “going toward the republican light (that leads to the opposite of heaven), repent now, while you can save yourselves from an earthly or unearthly hell that the republicans will attempt to bring back into existence if taking power again.


Someone sent this to me today. – GFS 


I received this quite a while ago, but had not had time to respond to it.  I am responding now.  I would buy the PR message here, if Boeing did not also outsource much of its work overseas as well.  It is rather like the pot calling the kettle rusty for Boeing to make a huge issue of some work being done overseas by Northrop Grumman, as some of the work would also be done here.  I fail to see the difference in actual business practices between Boeing and any of these other companies, frankly.  I do not appreciate the loss of American jobs, as many of Senator Murray’s constituents would agree, particularly when the job losses are because of Boeings efforts to try to court foreign interests for sales of airplanes and other products.   The argument would be much more compelling (and honest) if Boeing did not also outsource so much itself. 


It was not that many years ago that Boeing “downsized, right sized,” or whatever they chose to call it and reduced the number of machinists in Seattle and other places I expect, and outsourced those jobs to China among other places for the making of parts.  A few years ago, I heard someone who worked for Boeing complaining that the parts they were getting from China were so bad, they had to be re-machined here in Seattle, which rather negated much of the cost savings to the company. 


Also, outsourcing the composite material manufacturing made no sense, because of consequent loss of jobs stateside, as well as putting that technology at risk, by allowing foreign workers and managers access to what was American  cutting-edge technology, (used first militarily in defense contracts), so that we most likely will lose that edge many years earlier than we should have.  We used to stay about 7 years ahead, I’m told, but due to poor business decisions, and sloppy security practices, that lead has been greatly reduced, causing more pressure to develop new technology faster to keep at least abreast with our “competition,” and also a financial disadvantage to the US Taxpayers as well, as new products must be purchased sooner and more often.  Senator Murray, It appears foolish to frame the problem this way.  The whole sorry mess must be cleaned up and soon! 




—–Original Message—–
From: Patty Murray [mailto:webmaster@murray.senate.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8:11 PM
Subject: Don’t Outsource Our Aerospace Industry











After Air Force Decides to Outsource American Jobs and Military Capabilities, Murray Vows to Fight that Decision



This week my colleagues and I in Congress began to fight back against the Air Force’s decision to award a $40 billion contract to build our aerial refueling tankers to the European-based company Airbus. As our nation’s economy struggles and our troops are deployed around the world, we can not afford to outsource American jobs and military capabilities. In the coming days, weeks, and months I will continue to speak out, demand answers from the Air Force, and work to change this decision.

Join the Fight!


Last Friday (2/29), I stood with the men and women of Boeing in Everett as the Air Force announced that it would be outsourcing a $40 billion contract to build

Senator Murray with Boeing Workers

Senator Murray joins Boeing workers to hear the Air Force’s shocking decision to award the tanker contract to Airbus.

aerial refueling tankers to the European company Airbus. Boeing workers were shocked, angry, and wanted answers – and so do I.

Awarding this critical military contract to Airbus, a company that is heavily subsidized by European governments, is a threat to our economic, military, and trade security. At a time when families are struggling and unemployment is rising at home, it is unacceptable that we are investing in European jobs instead of creating 44,000 new jobs here. At a time when we are engaged in two wars, we need to ask ourselves whether we should place war-fighting tools and technology in foreign hands. And as we continue to compete in a global market, we need to ask why we are giving $40 billion to a company that our government has brought a World Trade Organization (WTO) illegal subsidies case against.


Senator Murray’s Fight This Week…

Statement by Murray, Cantwell, Dicks, Larsen, Inslee, Smith, McDermott and Reichert on Tanker Decision

Washington and Kansas Delegations Ask Gates to Debrief Boeing this Week

Murray Angered Air Force is Outsourcing American Military Capabilities

Murray Rails Against Outsourcing Military Capabilities and Jobs to European Company Airbus on the Senate FloorWatch the Speech

Senators Decry Decision to Outsource Tanker Jobs

Murray, Dicks Announce Boeing Debrief to Happen this Week

Senator Murray Debunks Airbus Claims in Speech on the Senate Floor

It's NOT American Made

The Future of Our Air Force

Hear the Speech

Murray Questions Airbus Claims of Tanker Deal’s Effect on U.S. Economy – Flashback: In 2003, Commerce Department Debunked Airbus Inflated Job Numbers, Found Only 500 of 10,000 Jobs European Company Claimed

Murray Encourages People to ‘Join the Fight’

Air Force Tankers: Murray Decries Outsourcing of Jobs and Military Technology in Speech on Senate Floor


In the News…

“At Boeing, shock — and then anger” – Seattle PI

“Murray Delivers Hard-Hitting Speech On Senate Floor” – KIRO 7 Seattle

“Military planes must be made by U.S. firms” – Walla Walla Union Bulletin





After Air Force Decides to Outsource American Jobs and Military Capabilities, Murray Vows to Fight that Decision


This week my colleagues and I in Congress began to fight back against the Air Force’s decision to award a $40 billion contract to build our aerial refueling tankers to the European-based company Airbus. As our nation’s economy struggles and our troops are deployed around the world, we can not afford to outsource American jobs and military capabilities. In the coming days, weeks, and months I will continue to speak out, demand answers from the Air Force, and work to change this decision.

Join the Fight!


Last Friday (2/29), I stood with the men and women of Boeing in Everett as the Air Force announced that it would be outsourcing a $40 billion contract to build

Senator Murray with Boeing Workers

Senator Murray joins Boeing workers to hear the Air Force’s shocking decision to award the tanker contract to Airbus.

aerial refueling tankers to the European company Airbus. Boeing workers were shocked, angry, and wanted answers – and so do I.

Awarding this critical military contract to Airbus, a company that is heavily subsidized by European governments, is a threat to our economic, military, and trade security. At a time when families are struggling and unemployment is rising at home, it is unacceptable that we are investing in European jobs instead of creating 44,000 new jobs here. At a time when we are engaged in two wars, we need to ask ourselves whether we should place war-fighting tools and technology in foreign hands. And as we continue to compete in a global market, we need to ask why we are giving $40 billion to a company that our government has brought a World Trade Organization (WTO) illegal subsidies case against.


Senator Murray’s Fight This Week…

Statement by Murray, Cantwell, Dicks, Larsen, Inslee, Smith, McDermott and Reichert on Tanker Decision

Washington and Kansas Delegations Ask Gates to Debrief Boeing this Week

Murray Angered Air Force is Outsourcing American Military Capabilities

Murray Rails Against Outsourcing Military Capabilities and Jobs to European Company Airbus on the Senate FloorWatch the Speech

Senators Decry Decision to Outsource Tanker Jobs

Murray, Dicks Announce Boeing Debrief to Happen this Week

Senator Murray Debunks Airbus Claims in Speech on the Senate Floor

It's NOT American Made

The Future of Our Air Force

Hear the Speech

Murray Questions Airbus Claims of Tanker Deal’s Effect on U.S. Economy – Flashback: In 2003, Commerce Department Debunked Airbus Inflated Job Numbers, Found Only 500 of 10,000 Jobs European Company Claimed

Murray Encourages People to ‘Join the Fight’

Air Force Tankers: Murray Decries Outsourcing of Jobs and Military Technology in Speech on Senate Floor


In the News…

“At Boeing, shock — and then anger” – Seattle PI

“Murray Delivers Hard-Hitting Speech On Senate Floor” – KIRO 7 Seattle

“Military planes must be made by U.S. firms” – Walla Walla Union Bulletin